Sheltering in Place – Day 5

Today is a better day and the sun is shining! Hubby and his doc worked out the dosage of Norm’s meds and not to jump the gun, but it looks like this might do the trick. Eventually, when the CV19 dies down a little, he will probably go in for some tests. But for now, all is well.

Discovered the number one reason to wear a facial mask: you can’t touch your face while it’s on. This is a bonus, for sure. Doctor Oz says we touch our faces dozens of times in an hour. If you don’t have a mask, try a bandana as a substitute. It’s supposed to be almost as effective. And this way if you’re in the mood to rob a stagecoach, you’re all set.


Have been writing, which is good. I live in my mind, which has its dangers, but one of the benefits is I don’t have to go anywhere physically to be there mentally. So now I’m in the Alvarez’ digs in Palo Alto about to have Lee grill one of the suspects. I’ve been into Irish Soda Bread as of late, so that will be part of the story, as well as mystery, villains, clothes, and burning buildings.

Last night I decided at the last minute to go grocery shopping and arrived about 15 minutes before it closed. I love our little market, New Seasons. It’s off the beaten path and they usually have everything, except hand sanitizer and TP. I have enough sanitizer – besides, it’s really better to wash your hands with soap and water – and we all know the story about Heather and the amount of TP she accidentally bought. I’ve shared 24 rolls with neighbors and still have 43 left.

But back to Dr. Oz. Below he shows us how to wash our hands effectively. I, of course, had no idea before that I was doing an incomplete job.

Stay safe, wash your hands, and as well reading books that ‘take you away’ read a more challenging one. That leaves most of my stuff out, but we must be giving in this time of crisis.


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