On Tuesday evening, May 28th, I’m going to be jawing about my books, their content, the writing of them, and what it’s like to be a mystery writer to a women’s book club, hosted by Mhaire (Mary) Fraser and Karen Lesyna. Thank you, ladies!
Mary and I go back to our writing classes days, studying with Ellen Sussman, teaching guru and a fabulous author in her own right i.e., Bad Girls, Dirty Words, On a Night Like This, the NY Times best seller, French Lessons, and the recent book, The Paradise Guest House. That she gives so much to her fellow writers, while, like the rest of us, struggles with the joys and sorrows of being a wordsmith speaks of her quality soul.
But I digress. Mary (or Mhaire – spelled differently but pronounced the same) and I, formed a bond during these classes, in no small part because we shared a common ground of childhood memories. She is a writer of lush words, deep feelings, and colorful phrases, describing the southern world she grew up in. Like so many of the writers in the Bay Area, she shares her talents and skills with the rest of her peers, and I think this is what helps all of us become better at our craft. I have been fortunate in knowing a lot of talented authors in the Bay Area and to have authored – so far – six published novels in the process.
While I have no real complaints about the publishers of my six books – am in fact, grateful – I thought it was time to strike out on my own, to have exactly what I want in my books when I want it. Together with another talented writer and friend, Baird Nuckolls, I have created The Wives of Bath Press, and God look down and smile on us, please.
It has been a struggle, a process, a learning experience, but well-worth all I’ve gone through, as many people know who dare to strike out on their own in this business. Even though the content of my books is the same, the covers have been changed. Another person I’d like to mention and thank is Jeff Monaghan. He designed the Death Runs in the Family cover and has been helping me with the rest of the series. Below are the covers (some done, some in process) of all six books.
Both Murder is a Family Business and A Wedding to Die For, Books One and Two of the Alvarez Family Murder Mystery Series, are still in the “mock” phases, as I only recently got back my rights to them! Hope you like them. And hope you’ll visit my author site at Amazon.com. and also my web page at https://heatherhavenstories.com/.
I am amazingly proud and tired. Next year I’m hoping the learning curve will lessen! Wish me luck. Wish us luck, because Baird is in on this with me. It’s scary but exciting! Thanks a lot!!