They say timing is everything in publishing a book. So I was advised to hold back on publishing the debut novel of my new series, Christmas Trifle, Book One of the Snow Lake Suspense Novels. That meant it couldn’t see the light of day until September 1, in time for the holidays. The waiting was hard. Not for anybody else, but for me, the author. Once I’ve finished a book and had it read by beta readers then gone through by a content editor and then a line editor, it’s tough to have it just laying around. And lay around it did for nearly a year. But now it’s available for preorder. Readers will finally meet the characters Charly and Cliff Harding, my two wonderful but foolish protagonists, Aunt Pearl the Truthsayer, clever and determined Detective Ragini Chabra and, lastly, Felix and Oscar, two darling
pets who manage – when a whole town couldn’t – to get their owners talking to one another. But will Charly and Cliff get back together? Or will they both be arrested for murder and spend the rest of their lives in jail instead of in each other’s arms?
For the answer to these and other burning questions, tune in tomorrow…ah…please buy the book! That was shameless, I know. But I’ve waited for nearly a year!!